Call for Applications
One-year postdoctoral fellowship (2013-2014), Stanford University, California, USA
Stanford University’s Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies, the Center for South Asia, and the Division of International and Comparative Area Studies invite applications for a one-year postdoctoral position under the general rubric “Literary Cultures of Muslim South Asia.”
Candidates must specialize in literary or cultural studies connected to a major language of South Asian Muslim literary production such as Urdu-Hindi, Persian, or Bengali. The position is open to scholars in any historical period. Disciplinary training may be in area studies (South Asia or Near East), Anthropology, Comparative Literature, History, or Religious Studies. All applicants must have completed the Ph.D. by the time of appointment on September 1, 2013. The postdoctoral fellow will teach two courses over three academic quarters related to his/her interests, pursue his/her own research, and participate in the activities of Stanford University programs and departments.
Application materials must be submitted online at . Please submit a cover letter, CV, one-page description of your research plans, and drafts of two course syllabi. Applicants must also arrange for two letters of recommendation to be uploaded directly by the letter writers. Compensation includes an annual salary of $55, 000 – $60,000 and health coverage. Review of applications will begin on February 18, 2013.
Stanford University is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to diversity. It welcomes nominations of, and applications from, women and members of minority groups, as well as others who would bring additional dimensions to the university’s research and teaching missions.
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Iris Seri-Hersch (18 décembre 2012). Postdoctoral Fellowship in Literary Cultures of Muslim South Asia. Les carnets de l'IREMAM. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse