Postdoctoral Position at Ben-Gurion University, African Studies

Location: Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel

Fellowship Date: Spring Semester (March-June) 2013

The Tamar Golan Africa Centre at Ben-Gurion University in the Negev invites applications for a short-term residency from postdoctoral candidates working in the Humanities or Social Sciences broadly related to African Studies.

Applications from one of the following fields are encouraged:  history, anthropology, or sociology.

During the semester, the fellow will teach one 2-credit course in African Studies and will give two public lectures.

The fellowship is tenable for one academic semester and will cover travel expenses, accommodation in Beer Sheva, and a modest living stipend.


This residency fellowship is intended for post-graduates from a Sub-Saharan African academic institution who have obtained their PhD in the last 3 years.

Application Instructions and Submission Process:

Completed applications, including all of the components listed below, should be submitted to Ayala Kuriel at on or before November 20, 2012. Late applications will not be considered.

•        Detailed C.V. (Curriculum Vitae)

•        PhD certificate

•        Detailed description of past, current and future research interests (maximum 5 pages)

•        Syllabus Proposal for an academic course  (introductory level)

•        List of publications

•        Three letters of reference to be submitted directly by referees.


Applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision by December 1, 2012.


Ayala Kuriel, Coordinator of the Africa Centre

Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel

Phone: 972-8-6428262, Fax: 972-8-6428695

To the original announcement

Iris Seri-Hersch

Iris Seri-Hersch est Maître de conférences en histoire contemporaine du monde arabe au Département d'études moyen-orientales, Aix-Marseille Université et chercheuse à l'IREMAM à Aix-en-Provence, France. Ses travaux portent sur l'histoire contemporaine du Soudan et de l'espace israélo-palestinien. Elle s'intéresse aux problématiques coloniales et impériales, aux questions éducatives, aux pratiques historiographiques, aux mémoires sociales et aux processus d'appropriation spatiale sur ces terrains en conflit.

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