25 Postdoctoral Research Fellowships at Stockholm University

25 Positions as Postdoctoral Research Fellow in subject areas within the Faculties of Science, Humanities, Law, and Social Sciences at Stockholm University.

Stockholm University offers teaching and research positions in the fields of Science, Humanities, Law, and Social Sciences. The University enrolls more than 64 000 students per year, and currently there are  approximately 5 000 employees. Stockholm University has a notable profile of conducting basic research, though applied research is also performed. Research within the areas of Science, Humanities, Law and Social Sciences maintains breadth and high quality.

A Postdoctoral Research Fellow is expected to conduct research and, may to some extent, teach at the graduate and undergraduate levels.

Qualification requirements
A Postdoctoral Research Fellow is employed foremost, in order to perform research, and should have a doctoral degree awarded at a university outside of Sweden.

Assessment criteria
In the appointment process special weight will be given to scientific proficiency. Some weight may be given to teaching proficiency.

Terms of employment
The employment as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow is for two years, with a possibility of prolongation due to special reasons, such as an absence from work due to illness, parental leave, etc.

Stockholm University strives to be a workplace that is free from discrimination and with equal opportunities for all.

Further information, contact:
Susanne Thedéen, Head of the Office for Humanities, Law and Social Sciences, telephone: +46-(0)8-16 2703, e-mail: susanne.thedeen@su.se and Åsa Borin, Head of the Faculty Office for Science, telephone: +46-(0)8-16 2266, e-mail: asa.borin@su.se

Trade union representatives
Anqi Lindblom-Ahlm (Saco-S) and Lisbeth Häggberg (Fackförbundet ST), telephone +46-(0)8-16 2000 (switch board), and Gunnar Stenberg (SEKO), telephone +46-(0)70-316 43 41.

The application may be written in English or Swedish, and should be in the following order:

  1. CV (CV showing date of birth, when and where PhD was awarded, employment record);
  2. an Application Letter demonstrating scientific results and plan for future research (max 10 pages);
  3. list of publications;
  4. names of three referees, with e-mail addresses, that will submit by December 17 letters of recommendation; each letter must include, in the e-mail subject field, the Ref. No. SU 619-2974-12; and
  5. letter of invitation from the head of the department at Stockholm University where the applicant aims to be placed.

You are welcome to submit your application, labelled Ref. No. SU 619-2974-12, no later than December 17, 2012, by e-mail to: registrator@su.se.

Submit your application as a single PDF file, arranged according to the above instructions. Indicate the reference number SU 619-2974-12 in the subject line, adding HS if your application pertains to the subject areas Humanities, Law or Social Sciences, and Nat for the subject area of Science.

Letters of recommendation should also be e-mailed in PDF format, with the Ref. No. SU 619-2974-12 indicated as subject, to: registrator@su.se

Chiara Diana

Chiara Diana est doctorante en histoire sociale de l'Egypte moderne et contemporaine, à l'IREMAM, Aix-en-Provence, France. Son sujet de doctorat porte sur les politiques éducatives et sociales pour la création d'un système d'éducation et protection pour la petite enfance en Egypte, avec une attention particulière aux programmes de développement d’organismes internationaux (UNESCO, Banque Mondiale, UNICEF, USAID). Elle s’intéresse aussi à la citoyenneté et l'activisme des enfants dans l’Egypte post-Moubarak.

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Chiara Diana (1 novembre 2012). 25 Postdoctoral Research Fellowships at Stockholm University. Les carnets de l'IREMAM. Consulté le 18 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/qf8x